
Computer keyboard

Logitech, ca. 2009


19 x 47 x 4.5 cm

Purchased from Best Buy

Personal collection

This object is a computer keyboard that can be used with a desktop computer also known as the personal computer, or PC. The first desktop computer was introduced in 1975 although the more recognizable ones still seen today were introduced in the 1990s. The detachable keyboard was first seen in the 1980s and has evolved and is continuing to evolve to become easier to use and more ergonomic. With the introduction of the personal computer, technology has come a long way and continues to lead us to a more technology-based future. Society, jobs, schooling, and life in general has changed since the introduction of the personal computer and it will continue to evolve throughout time.

These days it is hard to find an individual or a household that doesn’t have access to a personal computer. From having had a few family computers and personal computers, I have personally witnessed the changes in technology as time goes on. This computer keyboard in my collection reminds me of the first family computer we had and how important it was to the whole family for work, school, and staying connected to family and friends.

 This computer keyboard with the only visible keys spelling ‘VIRUS’ represents the present. Although this word has a significant other meaning in the present, this object shows that the word virus has come to mean something different. A computer virus is vastly different from the original meaning of the word virus. A computer virus can be more frightening for some people than an actual virus, although given today’s situation that may no longer be the case. If left untreated, a computer virus can be very damaging and could potentially cost the victim hundreds of dollars in new hardware or fixing costs. The data that can be lost from a computer virus can be priceless or other times can be of no worry. Although we cannot personally catch a computer virus like a real virus, it is something every computer owner takes precautions against. Since the introduction of more advanced technology every year, life has changed to be more technology-based. We are fortunate enough to have access to the technology that we do, so in difficult times like these, life as we know it can continue to be as normal as possible when we need to be isolated from others.

Cassandra Raposo


Dove Soap


Sylveon Figure